Applications open for PV in the Field for Professional Farmers


The submission of applications for the “Photovoltaics in the field” program began on April 9, 2024, according to an announcement by the Ministry of Environment and Energy.

The program, with a total budget of 30 million euros, is implemented within the framework of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan “Greece 2.0”, with funding from the European Union-NextGenerationEU.

Through the program, the installation of solar power plants up to 50kW by professional farmers, special status farmers and agricultural enterprises is supported. For this purpose, they should have an active agricultural supply and be registered in the Register of Farmers and Agricultural Holdings in the current year, in order to become energy independent. In practice, this means that by producing their own “green” energy, they will reduce their energy costs.

Beneficiaries will receive a subsidy of 30% of the cost of the photovoltaic plant and up to 350 euros per kWp, with the amount of the subsidy not being added to the minor subsidies received by the farmers.

It is clarified that for power requests up to 30kW net metering is applied, while for requests from 31kW to 50kW the consumption is offset, which coincides with the production of the photovoltaic plant, and if there is excess production this is compensated with a fixed price from the Administrator of Renewable Energy Sources and Guarantees of Origin (DAPEEP – as a simple self-producer).

A basic condition for submitting an application to the program is that the beneficiary has not started any work or orders for the photovoltaic plant. As long as it has more than one rural electricity supply, it has the possibility to presentA basic condition for submitting an application to the program is that the beneficiary has not started any work or orders for the photovoltaic plant. As long as it has more than one rural electricity supply, it has the possibility of submitting an application for financing a photovoltaic plant with a power of up to 50 kW for each of them.

In the program, the applications will be ranked based on two groups of priorities and until the total budget is covered:

Priority group A: Photovoltaics up to 10.8kW

Priority group B: Photovoltaics over 10.8kW and up to 50kW

The applications in each group will be ranked based on the time order of their submission, while the program will also include runners-up.

Applications for funding are submitted through the online platform until May 15, 2024, using TAXISNET codes.

It is worth pointing out that on 9/4/2024 the submission of applications to the “Photovoltaics on the roof” program by professional farmers and for power up to 10.8kW was completed. However, the submission of applications continues, exclusively from households.

Previous Turning to the Europe of Solutions: strong participation in the event with the Vice-President of the European Commission, Mr. Margaritis Schina, at the Corinth Chamber.

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